... that Caspar David Friedrich's 1824 painting The Sea of Ice (pictured) was seen as too radical in composition, and went unsold until after his death in 1840?
... that during the Great Bombay Textile Strike of 1982, nearly 250,000 workers and more than 50 textile mills went on strike in Mumbai, India?
... that Mieczysław Jagielski negotiated the agreement which recognized Solidarity as the first independent trade union within the Eastern Bloc?
... that Emperor Dezong of Tang ordered the former chancellor Dou Can to commit suicide as Dou was heading to his exile in Vietnam?
... that when it was completed in 1976, the 32-storey Allendale Square in Perth, Western Australia, was one of the largest fully aluminium-clad skyscrapers in the world?
... that the 1996 Orange Bowl had the lowest attendance of any Orange Bowl since 1947?
... that when Wales national rugby union team beat Scotland in the 1952 Five Nations Championship, Rex Willis played a large proportion of the match with a broken jaw bone?
... that at least one song written by Sonny Throckmorton was on the country music charts for almost every week between 1976 and 1980?