The people of Greenland pass a referendum regarding greater autonomy from Denmark.
A series of terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, kills at least 125 and injures hundreds.
Brazilian officials declare a state of emergency as flooding (pictured) in the Southern state of Santa Catarina causes at least 99 deaths and forces the evacuation of over 78,000 people.
The PAIGC wins a majority of seats in the National People's Assembly after legislative elections in Guinea-Bissau.
The eruption of Nevado del Huila, a volcano in southern Colombia, causes at least 10 deaths and the evacuation of 12,000 people.
Ibrahim Nasir, the first President of the Second Republic of the Maldives, dies of an unknown cause in Singapore.
The United Nations Security Council votes unanimously to reinforce MONUC, the largest peacekeeping force in the world, stationed in Nord-Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo