... that the threatened noonday globe land snail (pictured) is known only from a two-mile-long area inside the gorge of the Nantahala River in North Carolina?
... that when Australian cricketer Jack Massie fought at Gallipoli, he wore a scarlet rag on his right arm to distract snipers from his bowling arm?
... that William Shockley, co-inventor of the transistor, also helped calculate the solar cell's Shockley-Queisser limit?
... that Rear-Admiral Charles Austen′s family included Admiral of the Fleet Francis Austen, and the novelist Jane Austen?
... that Ford Road in Dearborn, Michigan, was named for William Ford, father of Henry?
... that Zhang Yanshang, his father, son, and father-in-law were all Tang Dynasty Chinese chancellors?
... that Kentucky's Paducah Freight House was bigger than required because it was originally intended to service a larger rail network?
... that the meaning of "Der Pleier", the pseudonym of the 13th-century author of the romance Garel, is unknown, though it might refer metaphorically to glassblowing?
... that Milan Bandić was elected in 2005 as the mayor of Zagreb, Croatia, with the support of only a seventh of eligible voters?
... that country music singer Jeremy McComb was once a tour manager for comedian Larry the Cable Guy?