... that the statues of the Two Working Men (pictured) in Cork, Ireland were originally set to be unveiled outside the Liberty Hall in Dublin, but were deemed a traffic hazard?
... that the biography My Life in Orange: Growing Up with the Guru recounts a child's experiences growing up in Bhagwah Shree Rajneesh's Osho movement?
... that modern experts estimate that around 90% of the natural gas discovered in the Indiana Gas Boom was wasted in flambeau displays?
... that Sinop Fortress Prison in Turkey, abandoned in 1997, hosts hundreds of thousands tourists yearly thanks to its featuring in popular literature, music and film?
... that screenwriter Oliver Crawford worked to remove an anti-Communist loyalty oath from the membership application of the Writers Guild of America, a relic of the Hollywood blacklist era?
... that the Vanuatu Labour Party first gained parliamentary representation in 2005, as the Minister for Ni-Vanuatu Business Joshua Kalsakau joined the party?
... that Johan Christian Tandberg Castberg, father of Johan Castberg, served three terms in the Norwegian Parliament and was the first editor-in-chief of Varden?
... that Ne-Yo received four nominations at the Grammy Awards in 2008, winning the award for Best Contemporary R&B Album for his album Because of You?