... that a mercury arc rectifier converts alternating current to direct current by means of an electric arc through mercury vapor?
... that only one of the 266 1076 Class steam locomotives built for the Great Western Railway was named, and the rest had only numbers?
... that the six Charles Tayleur locomotives ordered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel for the Great Western Railway were unsuccessful?
... that the intensity of a tropical cyclone (pictured) is usually determined by the Dvorak technique using only visible and infrared satellite images?
... that the technique of double-balloon enteroscopy allows any position along the gastrointestinal tract to be visualized in real-time?
... that ANTARES, a neutrino telescope under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, will find neutrinos from outer space by looking downward, into the Earth?
... that KATRIN is an experiment to determine the mass of the neutrino by measuring the energies of electrons given off from the beta decay of tritium?
... that forensic electrical engineering is a branch of forensic engineering whose primary role is to investigate whether a fire was caused by the failure of an electrical appliance?